Wednesday, October 18, 2006


Osama Bin Laden thought it is time to send George W Bush a reminder that he is still at large and well alive. So George received a text message reading: 370H55V 0773H - Osama.

George Bush reads it and do not understand, so in order find some help and not to appear dumber than he is, he call his Cabinet at the White House; Donald Rumsfeld on seeing it throw his hands in the air asking why he is asked to decipher - 'you know that I can only see what I want to see, George!' - Colin Powel and the rest take it a little more seriously but whatever amount of thinking they put in, they cannot crack the message. It has to go to CIA, and then down FBI, they called on some cyber-enciphers with various defence industries before considering calling Tony for help with our spooks.

But no one can make sense of it; in desperation it is send to Mossad. At first it circulates amongst 'the best' without luck; but not wanting to appear dumber then anyone else it is circulated around all departments in the organisation and Moshe Nahum, a small peg at almost the bottom of the heap, sees it and said: tell the President that he is reading the message upside down!


me said...

i sent this to all my mates when i got my new mobile. only 5% actually understood it!

merapuman said...

Hello A*****, i got it. haha.
hey, i've link to you.

Kim Ayres said...

When I was kid we used to play around for hours with pocket calculators trying to create (usually rude) words. Unfortunately with numbers only we were rather limited and the best we could come up with was 55378008 to poke fun at the flatter chested girls

Merapuman - I'll get that link back to you today

/77!cH3//3 said...

i used to do that too... lol..
even had to use a mirror to reflect certain msg.. lol...

d(^_^d) thumbs up!

Kim Ayres said...

Well you're the mistress of this writing - it took me a while to realise that /77!ch3//3 was a symbollic way of writing Michelle

Unknown said...


me said...

some people really have too much time on their hands!