Sunday, November 06, 2005

Better than Viagra?

A woman went to see her doctor complaining that her husband was inadequate in bed. Rare was the time that they made love and even then it lacked passion. The doctor gave her a tablet to give to him, explaining that it was much stronger than Viagra and that if this didn't get results, nothing would.

A week later the woman returned to the doctor, who asked how it had gone.

"Oh doctor," she replied "it was awful."

"Awful? Was the sex awful?" asked the surprised doctor

"No, the sex was great, but it was awful"
"I don't understand," said the doctor, "Tell me exactly what happened"

"Well," explained the woman "we were having dinner, and when he nipped off to the bathroom, I slipped the tablet into his coffee"

"What happened next?" asked the doctor.

"He drank his coffee, then suddenly he swept everything on to the floor, grabbed me and made furious and passionate love to me right there on the table!"

"What was so terrible about that?" questioned the doctor.

"We'll never be able to show our faces in MacDonalds again" wept the woman.


Dr Maroon said...

Badoom Tish!
I feel I know you well enough now to be rude.

Kim Ayres said...

Well after that erotic massage I would hope so Doc