Sunday, November 20, 2005

Darwin stupidity

Click on the image to read a larger version. It really is worth it!
It just gets funnier and funnier as it goes on.


the anti-barney said...

That man is almost stupid enough
to be a politician.Perhaps Bush
could head-hunt him for his
B.t.w.,did you not have something
else on earlier.

Kim Ayres said...

You must have caught the 2 minutes that I had a different entry up. It was an animated gif that wasn't animating, so I replaced it with the next on my list.

SafeTinspector said...

Frickin' ace! Funniest part? He's from Darwin, and he's almost "naturally selected" himself out of the breeding pool.
I wonder, was he left or right-handed?

Kim Ayres said...

Right handed, presumably, because that was the hand he was holding his beer in.

SafeTinspector said...

Moot point now. He's no choice but to use his right hand from now on....

Kim Ayres said...
